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Strategic Plan 2023 – 2028

The Way Forward. Deeper impact. Focused priorities.

Over the past year or so, we spent many hours assessing our efforts, while looking ahead to the future. The Agency is growing quickly to meet the needs of our community. Yet, our goal is to have a bigger impact – not simply to get bigger.

Our previous Strategic Plan set us on the right track. It was a clear guide through a challenging period. Now, we’ve created a refined plan for the next five years. We’re focusing on systemic inequities, mental health, and the challenges facing families of all shapes and sizes. When we help parents, for example, we can change their children’s lives forever.

To be clear, our programs and services are for everyone – and when we help our most vulnerable neighbours, it strengthens our entire community.

This is the way forward, this is our plan.

Read the plan

Read about our Vision

Financial Statements March 31, 2024

Family Services of the North Shore Financial Statements.

View here

Annual Impact Report 2023

Hope is one of the world’s most powerful words. Across cultures and languages, it’s a light that permeates even the darkest clouds. Here at the Agency, we feel a renewed sense of hope after several challenging years for our community.

There is significant work ahead, but we’re ready. We’re grateful and deeply moved by our community. Most importantly, we’re hopeful.

Read the report

Archived Annual Reports and Strategic Plan

We listened. We learned. We are responding to our community with open hearts.– Family Services of the North Shore Board member